When we first opened our doors in 2007 we had built a website. It was a labor to get that site up and running, to fill it with informative and interesting content. Then the age of social media arrived and conventional wisdom held that you no longer needed a robust website. Something more akin to a landing page would be sufficient. From there your business could direct its customers to the likes of Face Book or Twitter. So we sent our website to the virtual recycling bin and set up a simpler version, slimmed down with less input required. That is until now…

Welcome to 2021 and the return of website. The adage, “What’s old is new again”, certainly applies here. It turns out that the more tech savvy generations utilize online resources to learn about the businesses they choose to shop at. There is a hunger (pun intended) for understanding what businesses stand for, where the money is going and hopefully that those dollars are doing something good in the world. This sounds like what we are made of, a business on a mission!
The Image Gallery
Since 2007 we have been fortunate to have the enthusiasm and passion of so many people as members of our team. With all of our shared experiences it’s like having a second family.
Here’s to Brighter Days!
It is our hope that this new site will provide an insight into our small, local, family owned business. We look foward to sharing with you our passion for good, quality and delicious wholesome foods.

We Want To Hear From You!
We think our customers are awesome, but we are a bit biased. The Green Grocer’s customers have been our greatest advocates, their word of mouth advertising and answers to our rallying calls in our early years are the reason we are here today.

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